Contact us if you wish for a different $$ amount.
It's a great way to Introduce Firearms as a Safety Course or Ask about a private event!
Get peace of mind today.
In-Person 3 hour Training Course with Certification upon completion required to apply for permit.
Weekday Evenings/Selected Saturdays - CCW Certification Training with other students- small class size. $125.00
4 hours per Class - $500 (3 Classes) or 7 Classes $1100 as the Ultimate Tactical Package.
Get your Great Savings through these Specials while they last. These classes are explained through out this section.
3 hr 30 min | $230
Private class covers firearm fundamentals; emphasizing gun safety and learning the proper handling of a firearm. Course takes place in the safe environment of the classroom and the second half occurs in the range. $35.00 Additional add-on for up to two extra family members.
Contact Paul @ 703-470-3560 to Register!
Duration: 4 Hours Start Time: Price:
8:Max/Outdoor Class 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM $200.00
This course is designed to develop the skills needed to become a better, safer and more proficient shooter by refreshing your basic handling skills, while adding the dimension of dynamic shooting on the move pistol drills.
Be sure to bring plenty of water, and snacks to stay hydrated and safe.
Address: Meet at 501 Wal-Mart Dr. Winchester, VA 22603 @ 9:30AM
DATE: Coming Soon
Contact Paul @ 703-470-3560 to Register!
Duration: 4 Hours Start Time: Price:
8:Max/Outdoor Class 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM $200.00
This course is designed to give you the full concept of the carbine fundamentals. The class will focus on safety, target acquisitions, shooting positions, and reloading. You will gain the basic skills and knowledge to develop the correct mindset to get you on track for the next level.
Be sure to bring plenty of water, and snacks to stay hydrated and safe.
Address: Meet at 501 Wal-Mart Dr. Winchester, VA 22603 @ 9:30AM
Contact Paul @ 703-470-3560 to Register!
Duration: 4 Hours Start Time: Price:
8:Max/Outdoor Class 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM $200.00
This course is designed to enhance the skills already obtained from level one, while adding dynamic shooting on the move pistol drills. These drills were developed by Law Enforcement and other Agency Instructors to teach you the training required for real world events.
Address: Meet at 501 Wal-Mart Dr. Winchester, VA 22603 @ 9:30AM
Contact Paul @ 703-470-3560 to Register!
Duration: 4 Hours Start Time: Price:
8:Max/Outdoor Class 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM $200.00
Critical Skills Necessary to Save Lives
This course is designed to enhance critical skills necessary to save your life or others in real world scenarios. This will include drills that draw from concealment device while shooting on the move, shooting around obstacles/barriers and target acquisition. Practice will help your mind set if you find yourself in this situation with less collateral damage.
Be sure to bring plenty of water, and snacks to stay hydrated and safe.
Address: Meet at 501 Wal-Mart Dr. Winchester, VA 22603 @ 9:30AM outdoor shooting range
This day is designed to run drills to enhance your speed, target acquisition, and accuracy to prepare for potential real-world situations. After these speed drills, you will walk away with the skill set to help you be prepared for real world scenarios.
DATE: Check Back
Contact Paul: (703) 470-3560
Duration: 2 Hours
Start Time: 10 AM - 12 PM
Price: $100.00
Be sure to bring plenty of water, and snacks to stay hydrated.
Address: Meet at 501 Wal-Mart Dr. Winchester, VA 22603 @ 9:30AM
This class is designed to help you learn and understand the best way to clean your Rifle. Learn from a knowledgeable instructor that has years of experience reassembling, modifying and rebuilding various firearms. The class is 2 -3 hours. Please bring your cleaning supplies to class. The fee will be $50.00
This class is designed to help you learn and understand the best way to clean your firearm. Learn from a knowledgeable instructor that has years of experience reassembling, modifying and rebuilding various firearms. The class is 2 -3 hours. Please bring your cleaning supplies to class. The fee will be $50.00
DATE: Future Date, 2025
Contact: Paul @ 703-470-3560
Duration: 2 Hours
Start Time: 10 AM - 12 PM
Price: $100.00
Be sure to bring plenty of water, and snacks to stay hydrated and safe.
Address: Meet at 501 Wal-Mart Dr. Winchester, VA 22603 @ 9:30 AM
This course is designed to give you a variety of practice drills that you cannot practice at an indoor range. The drills you will learn could be used in real world scenarios. These drills are also practiced by military and law enforcement.
Upon request:
46859 Harry Byrd Hwy. Suite 302
Sterling, VA 20164
$25 for 30 minute time slot per person
Choose from 60+ real world scenarios that will test and hone your situational awareness skills in the safety of a classroom. You will receive instruction, guidance, and feedback throughout your experience. This training uses recoil enabled laser pistol and AR-15 for a realistic and immersive experience. Some scenarios may contain graphic imagery and language. Small groups are welcomed and encouraged.
No live ammo allowed
This day is designed to learn how to properly use your shotgun in a tactical manner taught by prior military and law enforcement trainers. This skillset will help you be prepared with your shotgun in real world scenarios.
DATE: Back in 2025
Contact Paul: (703) 470-3560
Duration: 4 Hours
Start Time: 10 AM - 2 PM
Price: $200.00
Be sure to bring plenty of water, and snacks to stay hydrated.
Address: Meet at 501 Wal-Mart Dr. Winchester, VA 22603 @ 9:30AM
We offer a variety of training for all levels of participants to include:
Prep Class "for those that have anxiety about Firearms; Intro to Handguns, CCW, Time on Range; Tactical Training; Gun Maintenance courses and many others.
Discounts offered for Military and First Responders.
Call/Text Paul @ 703-470-3560 for details and to schedule.